yamlet: Versatile Curation of Table Metadata

A YAML-based mechanism for working with table metadata. Supports compact syntax for creating, modifying, viewing, exporting, importing, displaying, and plotting metadata coded as column attributes. The 'yamlet' dialect is valid 'YAML' with defaults and conventions chosen to improve readability. See ?yamlet, ?decorate, ?modify, ?io_csv, and ?ggplot.decorated.

Version: 1.0.3
Imports: yaml, csv (≥ 0.6.2), encode, units, spork (≥ 0.3.3), ggplot2, scales, dplyr (≥ 1.1.0), rlang, xtable, tidyr, vctrs, pillar, knitr
Suggests: testthat (≥ 2.1.0), magrittr, table1, rmarkdown, gridExtra, haven, tablet (≥ 0.6.8), kableExtra
Published: 2024-03-29
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.yamlet
Author: Tim Bergsma
Maintainer: Tim Bergsma <bergsmat at gmail.com>
BugReports: https://github.com/bergsmat/yamlet/issues
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
CRAN checks: yamlet results


Reference manual: yamlet.pdf
Vignettes: Scripted HTML
Scripted PDF
An Introduction to Yamlet


Package source: yamlet_1.0.3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: yamlet_1.0.3.zip, r-release: yamlet_1.0.3.zip, r-oldrel: yamlet_1.0.3.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): yamlet_1.0.3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): yamlet_1.0.3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): yamlet_1.0.3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): yamlet_1.0.3.tgz
Old sources: yamlet archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse imports: tablet


Please use the canonical form https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=yamlet to link to this page.