Last updated: Snit V1.0


Snit_info               Introspection Array.  Keys and values are as
    hasinstances        Boolean. Normally T, but F if pragma -hasinstances no
    simpledispatch      Uses a very simple method dispatcher.
    canreplace          Boolean. Normally F, but T if pragma -canreplace yes
    counter		Integer counter.  Used to generate unique names.
    widgetclass         Tk widget class name for snit::widgets
    hulltype            Hull widget type (frame or toplevel) for
    ns			The type namespace, "$type::". UNUSED.
    exceptmethods       Method names excluded from delegate method *.
    excepttypemethods   Typemethod names excluded from delegate typemethod *.
    tvardecs            Type variable declarations--for dynamic
    ivardecs            Instance variable declarations--for dynamic
    isWidget            Boolean; true if object is a widget or
    isWidgetAdaptor     Boolean; true if object is a widgetadaptor

Snit_methods            List of method names; defined only when
                        -simpledispatch yes.

Snit_typemethodInfo     Array(method name) = {<flag> ?<pattern> <compName>?}
                        where <flag> is 1 if the method has submethods
                        (in which case the other fields
                        are missing) and 0 if it doesn't.
                        <compName> is "" for normal typemethods
                        and "method name" can be "*".  Used in
                        typemethod cache lookup to create the command
                        for the named typemethod.

Snit_typecomponents     Array(typecomponent name) = command_name
                        Used whenever we need to retrieve the 
                        typecomponent's command.

Snit_methodInfo         Array(method name) = {<flag> ?<pattern> <compName>?}
                        where <flag> is 1 if the method has submethods
                        (in which case the other fields
                        are missing) and 0 if it doesn't.
                        <compName> is "" for normal methods and
                        "method name" can be "*".  Used in 
                        method cache lookup to create the command for
                        the named method.

Snit_optionInfo         An array of option data.  The keys are as follows:

  General fields:

    local               List of local option names.

    delegated           List of explicitly delegated option names.

    starcomp		Name of component for "delegate option *" or ""

    except              List of option names explicitly NOT delegated 
                        by "delegate option *".

  Fields defined for all locally defined and explicitly delegated options:

    islocal-$opt         1 if local, 0 otherwise.  Currently undefined
                         for "delegate option *" options.

    resource-$opt        The option's resource name.
    class-$opt           The option's class name.

  Fields defined only for locally defined options

    default-$localOpt    Default value.

    validate-$localOpt   The name of the validate method, or "".

    configure-$localOpt  The name of the configure method, or "".

    cget-$localOpt       The name of the cget method, or "".

    readonly-$localOpt   true or false.  (false is the default).

    typespec-$localOpt   Validation type specification (object name or
                         construction list)

    typeobj-$localOpt    Validation type object

  Fields defined only for delegated options

    delegated-$comp      List of option names delegated to this component.

    target-$opt         [list component targetOptionName].


Snit_iinfo              Array, instance info.  At some point,
                        Snit_instance and Snit_components should
                        probably be consolidated into it.  The fields

    constructed         0 during instance construction, and 1 after.

Snit_instance           Current name of the instance command.

Snit_components         Array(component name) = command_name
                        Used whenever we need to retrieve the
                        component's command.

Consider consolidating the following arrays into a single array, since
they are all cleared at the same time.

Snit_cgetCache          Array(option name) = cached command.
                        Used by $self cget.

Snit_configureCache     Array(option name) = cached command.
                        Used by $self configurelist.

Snit_validateCache      Array(option name) = cached command.
                        Used by $self configurelist.  The entry is ""
                        if there is no validate command.