#			The Editorwindow

What's an Editorwindow ?
For me a editorwindow is a window where I am able to work on
a text under Tcltexed. Each editorwindow is assigned to one 
text. Two attributs ar important several editorwindows exist:
	the focus
	and the marking of one of them to be the maindocument
The focus ownes the editorwindow, which was at last in the
forground. All actions outside of the editorwindows opened
will effect only the one having the focus. An Example for
actions may be "text searching". One way to give one
editorwindow the focus is by mousebuttons.
If you have made on editorwindow a maindocument, all calls
for extern programms like latex, xdvi, dvips and ghostview
are directed to this document. In this case only the document
of the maindocument gets compiled, so it should be executable
for latex, while the others don't need to. If no editorwindow
is declared to be the maindocument, each editorwindow
behaves as if it is the only one.  
The window  consists of the following components :
	a menubar / popupbar (Only Windows)
	a buttonbar
	and an input field.
usage of the buttonbar
From left to right :
a "picture", Save, Save As, latex, xdvi, dvips, ghostview, ispell, Syntax, Quit 
and last but not least a display "L.C. ?.?"
The picture shows you the attributes of the editorwindow.
If it has the focus it you see a picture of some circular waves.
If it is colored (yellow/red) it is marked to be the maindocument.
You can make an editorwindow a maindocument by mouse click
on the picture. A second click removes the attribute to be
a maindocument. 
You know this, simply save this document in a file assignend
to the editorwindow. If there is no file assigned "Save As"
is executed instead.
	Save As
Save a document into a file you choose and assign
it the actual editorwindow.
Executes "Save" for this editorwindow. Only it's document get's saved.
Then the program latex is executed with the assigned file.
If a maindocument exists as defined above the file assigned to
it is executed instead. latex produces the file with extention dvi,
the error output of latex is piped into the helpwindow of Tcltexed.
(if there accures an error under unix you must stop latex
by pressing "q" and "RETURN")
To make it easier to create an index, with the latex-commands
\makeindex \index etc. the program makeindex is started automaticly
if a suiting filename with extension idx exists.
Executes xdvi (or an other viewer) for to view the last latex outputfile.
Normaly the viewers reload the actual document if you produce
a new dvi file, so you have to start this only on time.
Makes a output for ghostscript printer out of the dvi file.
The output will be saved into a file with extension ps.
Executes ghostview a viewer for ghostscript files with the last
dvips outputfile.
Executes "Save" for this editorwindow. Only it's document get's saved.
Then ispell an interactive spell checker is executed and it's output
reloaded into the editorwindow.
Syntax Highlightning, all textarrays starting with \ are supposed
to be LaTeX-commands. 
If this command is known it's letters gets green, if not red.
But be carefull, it doesn't look after the number of brackets behind
the command. (latex will do that for you !)
If it's text to be ignored (starting with %), the text get blue.
For many green marked commands exists a short description.
Close this editorwindow. If modified it request's if it realy
should do so without saving before.
Shows you the position of the curser (line and row).
One "line" is here defined as a number of letters follewd
by a "RETURN", not as the number of real lines displayed by the
If you press this Button, a window opens, with which you can
change the position of the curser manualy by numbers. 
Usage of th menubar / popupbar
The menubar exists only if you use Windows and tcl/tk 8.x.
Menubar and popupbar implement the same functions.
Pressing the right mousebutton opens the popupbar. 
From top to bottom listed (left to right) :
Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, Block, + % und - %.
For to undo most of your last actions within the text. (I hopfully
think so) In lack of infinity memory recources you can't undo
	Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear
Bearbeitet den mit Maus selektierten Bereich, ratet mal was da
passiert ... . Die Aktionen sind Windows und X-Window kompatibel.
Marks all not right spelled words in your text with a red color. 
Takes the word which the curser is within and displays a list of
words which nearly match this word.
Makes out of the selected aria a "Block - aria" ala Borland.
	+ %
Inserts at the beginning of each selected line %, but only
if there doesn't exist one.
-> easy way to mark lines for latex to be ignored
	- %
The other way around as "+ %".
Looks for LaTeX-command matching with letters between 
the last "\" and the curser.
Only commands marked under "Options -> packages"
are listed here.
Usage of the inputfield
Hey that's the part each editor has, don't ask silly questions.
(look for Editor-keymap for some key combinations) 
If you wanna register a word as right spelled, you have to set
the curser on it and make a double click on the left button of
your mouse.
Examples for automatical complition of LaTeX-commands
\fra	--->	\frac{}{}
\enumerate	--->
Compiltion of brackets
{	--->	{}
$	--->	$$
For \begin and \end the name of the enviroment will be inserted
as below :
\beg	--->
\bege	--->
\begenum	--->
If some text is selected by mouse and you press "\"
than gets this not deleted as usualy done, but gets
some brackets inserted around the selected text.