EMAIL: NAME: Lou Bruce TOPIC: Life COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: drago COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: none at present RENDERER USED: Blender 1.73 TOOLS USED: Blender 1.73, Amorphium for Text Modeling, Microsoft Image Composer for textures, Blender 1.73 for Rendering, Audiorack32 for sound editing, DDClip Free for final composition and soundtrack production and finally AVI2MPG1 for conversion from raw AVI to MPG. CREATION TIME: 2 Months Final Rendering: 3.5 to 4 Hours HARDWARE USED: 233 MHz Pentium MMX VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Window Media Player ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: The opening scene is a soothing underwater glide to the somewhat violent birth of a sea dragon. His first order of business is of course finding food. Then he meets with one of the undersea worlds most aggressive predators. Too bad the predator doesn't realize what kind of defenses a dragon has. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: I began modeling the shark before I had a story in mind. The dragon has been one of my goals every since I started 3D, about a year ago. My first two attempts were disappointing. I'm pleased with the way Drago turned out and I will probably develope him further. After the modeling of the two main characters I had a simple story in mind and started animating. Then I needed some scenery thus the barrel, drum, seaplants, schools of fish and the "Nina" ship. The sound track is original recordings of bubbling water, me on guitar and my voice all sounds have been modified. Some have reverb or echo, some slowed down, some reversed. The soundtrack was a lot of fun. Our two dogs thought I had really flipped making all those loud strange sounds. The Archive file contains the Blender file DRAGOTITLE.blend which is the title shot only. For those of you interested in opening the Blender file, Blender is available as a freeware download at