EMAIL: NAME: Victor Ornatowski TOPIC: Life COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: The meaning of Life COUNTRY: POLAND WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: pure 3dsmax scanline renderer TOOLS USED: rhino,photoshop,afterfx CREATION TIME: few evenings HARDWARE USED: single out-of-date Pentium 100 VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Windows media Player plays the animation VERY BADLY ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: Animation was rendered in 200x150 @ 30 fps. Quality is poor in parts - because of mpeg compression - so it means that sometimes during animation some shit appears. The animation shows the meaning of life - the begining and of course - the end. It's not very complicated but looks well and funny... It was created just for fun! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: I used my Rhino model of two main characters in the animation. The rest of stuff,lights and cameras - were done in 3dsmax. Animation was set in 3dsmax using keyframing and path deform technique. Title, credits and subtitles were created in photoshop and added to main animation in afterfx - this is the only post processing used. I DID NOT USED POSTPROCESSING TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF RENDERED FRAMES. If you want to know exactly how the things were done - contact with me by e-mail: or Thx for reading this piece of information.