EMAIL: NAME: Helge Bahmann TOPIC: Technology COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: The incredible Ant-Machine-Ant COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Povray 3.5 (Debian Sarge) TOOLS USED: Python, Gimp, Text editor, Berkeley MPEG encoder, brain CREATION TIME: 5days modelling; 16hours final render (read below) HARDWARE USED: Dual Opteron 240 (model&render), 17x Dual PPC7455 (render only) VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: vlc (VideoLan Client) works fine ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: Yet another "infinite recursion" animation -- ants drive a machine which itself is an ant. The two "gate" types shown in the animation allow to construct every possible logic "gate". Besides ants there are unfortunately also a few bugs in the animation which I could not fix because I ran out of time. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: This is my first animation for IRTC and I made a lot of mistakes; the worst mistake is that I completely underestimated the rendering time. Even with the massive amount of computing resources I could throw at the problem, the last image was not finished until about an hour before submission deadline, and I am unable to fix the things that went wrong with the animation. The high render time is caused by too many reflective objects, too many complicated and badly bounded isosurfaces, and too many objects in the scene altogether. Almost everything is modelled as CSG; the individual components (ants, tubes, gates, gears) are defined as macros or objects in Povray include files. For the first part of the animation a python script is used to generate a master Povray file for every frame that uses the basic building blocks from the include files. For the second part of the animation everything is done using only Povray macros. The only really noteworthy thing is the ant. The ant itself is created using standard povray features (isosurface, sphere_sweep for the body parts; the hairs were added using the trace macro). Every individual joint position was then made controllable by a macro. Teaching the ant to walk sucked badly; the complexity of positioning the legs "by hand" drove me nuts and didn't produce satisfying results. Instead I duplicated the calculation of the joint transformations in a small python script and wrote a very simplistic inverse kinematic solver: The joint orientations are represented as quaternions with the three imaginary parts being the free variables; the script then calculates the direction the target point would move if changing every free variable by just a small amount; then use the linear least squares form the python Numeric package to calculate an update to the free variables. Repeat until target point is reached. Unfortunately the solver was rarely, if ever, able to find an "improvement" to the current joint position that brings the target point closer to its intended target, I added a "randomizer" to perturb the current position a little in case the solver stagnated. Calculating the joint rotations for every single leg for a full ant movement cycle (12 frames) took close to an hour, but the result looks good. As far as I could research ants in nature move a bit differently than my little ant -- "real" ants temporarily take off the ground completely if they are running fast, while my ant always touches the ground with at least three legs (it is doing more of a "spider walk"). I think the small inaccuracy is permissible :) The first 100 frames were post-processed to add the title, no other post-processing was done. The title text was created in gimp, exported as PNG with transparency. A small python script (using python-imlib) was then used to superimpose the title text on the image. The fade out at the end of the clip was created using a black povray fog (decreased fog distance as time passes). Since I was almost running out of time at the end, I had to (ab)use the University's Linux computer lab. A few scripts were used to start two Povray instances on every computer. If I had to render the video on my own workstation it would have taken an estimated 200 hours.