"Innocence Lost, Our lost days of youth..."

This image was designed for the November ray tracing contest
on the world wide web. The subject for this month's contest
was "comics".

I really liked this topic since I am a big comic book fan.

I wanted to portray the innocence lost with time and how
comics take me back to a simpler time, when all I had to
worry about was if mom was going to make me eat peas for

I've placed a newspaper with some depressing headlines on
the table. You might also find the two letters with overdue
notices stuck into the desk blotter.

I am glad that comics aren't just for children anymore.
I highly recommend the "Sin City" and "Martha Washington"
books by Frank Miller. They are about serious subjects
that have great meaning for me. They reflect the pain,
suffering, and quiet heroism that are the hallmark of
life today.


I did the source for the objects by hand using some Toys that
my children had. I am particularly pleased with the toy train
engine. This is a really cool little toy and it traced up
pretty nicely.