TITLE: Tokamak
NAME: Alexei Semichastnyi
COUNTRY: Germany
EMAIL: alexei@engram.de
WEBPAGE: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~alex
TOPIC: Physics & Math
JPGFILE: toka2100.jpg
ZIPFILE: toka2100.zip
    POV-Ray 3.01

    For landmap & text Adobe Photoshop 4.0. For
starfield: my own program.

    3h 27min

    Acer Notebook P133, 16MB RAM


I hope, there is a picture of some sort of tokamak, but it is 
placed in space.  (See the end of description for further 
explanations.) The idea was to place a tokamak in space, so the 
expensive vacuum chamber is not necessary. The construction is 
based mostly on my school knowledge, so if there is something 
wrong or impossible, please let me know.

A tokamak is a toroidal plasma confinement device invented in 
the 1950s by the Russians Tamm and Sakharov. The word "tokamak" 
is a contraction of the Russian words: "toroidalnaya", 
"kamera", and "magnitnaya", meaning "toroidal chamber-
magnetic." (See http://FusionEd.gat.com)


 Actually, I had another idea of image for this competition, 
and I worked on that about one month - although, all results 
were not enough good for me. On 27 June I have started to 
experiment with planets and atmosphere and had become the idea 
of this image. There was very short time to do this work. So 
this image is very simple. I will work on it a bit of the time 
more. If you are interesting, look at my home page at the end 
of July. 
The planet is just a sphere with spherical texture map. The 
only problem was an image map. For appropriate results it 
growth to 4096x4096 pixels. (Of course, I have not add it to 
the archive) For the people, who want to do something like this 
in Photoshop, the way is: make a new image of the size power 2 
(512 x 512 is a possible one) and make it white. Set the colors 
in black and white. Then use Filters|Render|Clouds, then n 
times Fiters|Render|Difference Clouds. If you find it well, 
duplicate the layer.  On the bottom layer make 
Filters|Stylize|Emboss with height 2 and percentage about 120. 
The top layer opacity must be set to 20-50 per cent and you 
could colorize it to make the image interesting -  after all 
this you will have it.
Atmosphere is a set of two spheres. Starfield is a result of my 
own program, written in Delphi. Feel free to e-mail me, if you 
want a free copy of it (300 K). The ,flyer" is simple 
construction, written directly in POV-Source. You can use it in 
your images, or place it on some 3D-model pools, if there will 
be a reference to my name, my e-mail address and home page. 
Feel free to modify it.
The plasma is a set of 72 cylindrical halos, placed in the 
circle. The only problem was to find, why some halos are just 
black. The clue was to set Global_Settings max_trace_level 
enough high.
I am sorry for my poor English, but I hope, you have 
understood it. Thanks for your interest to this image. 
Any feedback is welcome and will inspire me for future work.

Alexei Semitchastnyi. Juni 1997.