TITLE: Travieso
NAME: Jaime Vives Piqueres
EMAIL: jaime@ctav.es
WEBPAGE: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/1090
 Qedit, to write the POV scripts
 PCPaintBrush, to retouch/create height_fields/image_maps/material_maps
 Fractint, to create some image_maps
 POVRay, to generate some height_fields
RENDER TIME: A long night... (~12h)
HARDWARE USED: Intel PPro180 256k cache, main board Intel VS440FX, w95 DOS box!

    Yes, I know, this round topic isn't KITCHEN, but this image is a memory
from my childhood which, casually, happens on the kitchen. This imaginary
snapshot is taken few minutes after a "headfirst" fall, many years ago.


    The scene was done for this round, but well, ok, some code come from old
scenes: you can recognize it if visited my gallery. I'm referring to the cofee
stuff (from CAFE.POV) and to the fruits (from BODEGON.POV). However, I'm tried
to clean the code and enhance a bit the old objects. All the rest is created
for this occasion, with no exccesive detail, but the camera is a distant and
you can't see some lacks (some others are *very* visibles!).

    I've started with very simple simulacres of the final objects, following
the words of Glenn McCarter. So, with only some spheres, cylinders and planes,
I tried very different arrangements, ligthings, cameras, etc... and finally
found the basic composition of the scene. Later, I've finished the objects,
added some others, and rendered a preview in 800x600 with aa and area ligts
to test the render time (I don't want surprises near the deadline!) and to see
posible little defects not visibles in work renders (480x360, it's a nice res.
for tests, not too big, not too small). Then showed to some friends and used
their comments to enhance a bit the scene before the final render (thanks to
David R. Hayes and Fran‡ois Dispot for the usefull advices).

    For curious, here is a brief explanation about the nature of objects :

      - lots of CSG : the kitchen & furnitures, the refrigerator, the chairs
        and the table, the stool, the coffe pot, the glass of milk, etc...,
        all typed directly in Qedit.

      - HEIGHT_FIELD/MATERIAL_MAP pairs : the door and the radio front, done
        poorly by hand in Paintbrush.

      - simple HEIGHT_FIELDS : the kitchen and extractor grilles, the skimmer,
        the coffee cup handles (not visibles), the calendar shape, the blood,
        the refigerator mark, the cockies and the floor tile are also created
        by hand and retouched with Paintbrush. The towel is a cutted piece of
        another image done with povray and a gray-scale gradient.

      - IMAGE_MAPS : the calendar print is another scene of my gallery, the
        corridor wallpaper and the kitchen tile are both Fractint images
        retouched with Paintbrush, and the label for the liquor bottle is done
        by hand over another old scene.

      - MATERIAL_MAPS : the clock numbers, with Paintbrush again.

      - LATHES : the pans, coffee cups, bottle, cookies pots, spices pots...
        designed in graph paper and coded by hand.

      - BLOBS : the apples are loops of blobs done with clasical trial-and-error
        methods. The oranges are simple spheres with normals.

      - more LOOPS : The floor and the grille for the refrigerator foot (hmmm...
        why not a HF for this grille? I'm stupid!).

      - and something I'm surelly missing...

    Nothing more to say. Oh, well, perhaps something more: the suposed sunlight
is wrong, yes, I know. The rays aren't paralel as in real sun, and the location
it's absurd, but I like how it looks, specially the simulation of ambient with
a big area light (24x24!) and the yellowish "old photo" effect.

    Bye, and take care with your childs!

                                                           Jaime Vives Piqueres
                                                                no-(C) Dec-1997