EMAIL: <> NAME: <Hector J. González> TOPIC: <Warfare> COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: <The Combat> COUNTRY: <SPAIN> WEBPAGE: <> JPGFILE: <The Combat.jpg> ZIPFILE: <The> RENDERER USED: 3DSMAX 3.1 TOOLS USED: 3DSMAX 3.1 for (imports models 3ds). LEVELLER for (fractal maps). PHOTOSHOP 5.5 for (image maps; convert image to JPEG; gamma correction). RENDER TIME: 1h 38 min HARDWARE USED: ATHLON 1.333 (1 GB). IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Operation MARINE LION was the codename that used the German Headquartes to denominate the only enemy's invasion that was still fighting against the axis Rome-Berlin: England. Hitler orders the Luftwaffe to open a route to the German landing in the island. But Goering defrauds the Führer since The German Luftwaffe it is not able to guarantee three days of air superiority on the Channel of the Stain. The heroic resistance of the RAF´s pilots forces the German Command to give up the landing, so this the invasion of England never ends up taking place. The scene represents an air combat between two of the most famous fighters of the conflict: the RAF's Spitfire Mk1 and the Messersmit BF109e of the German Luftwaffe, fighting for the air supremacy anywhere over Britain's ground. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: At first I modeled and prepared the different elements that would compose the scenario. It's formed by a cylinder. I have applied it a bitmap that represents a mountain range, integrated with a fractal mesh at first plane to which I also applied a texture created with Photoshop. Nex, I approached the full scene study, first locating the elements next to the objective of the camera (the airplane and the bridge of first plane), later I prepared the models that would compose the intermediate plane that's it: the three airplanes located in the diagonal of the scene. I finished it placing the other two airplanes that occupy the bottom plane. Once I concluded the scenic representation of the air combat, I began to add the special effects necessary to give a bigger realism to the image. Firstly I prepared a Spherice gizmo whith an effect of volumetric fog applied to represent some clouds in the scene. Then use a superspray to add the effects of smoke associated to three of the airplanes.At last I prepared two combustion: one to simulate the shot of the machine guns of the airplane of first plane, and another one to represent the explosions of the two demolished airplanes. To finish I added as render effects a "Color Balance" and a "Shine and Contrast" correction and I substituted the airplanes' helixes for a bitmap with an opacity map, applied on a cylinder, to simulate the effect of movement of the helixes.