EMAIL: NAME: Roux-Serret Dominique TOPIC: Creatures COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: PouicPouic Story. WEBPAGE: COUNTRY: French RENDERER USED: povray 3.1 TOOLS USED: mpeg emacs gimp CREATION TIME: 5 week-end and many evening rendering 120h ( more than 80% of the rendering time for the last stage ) HARDWARE USED: Pentium II 300 on Linux VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: don't loop the movie, stop on the last picture. ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: it is the story of a small chick. note: If the jet-plane look like a F16 it's juste because i like it. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: All the stage are create with simple objects with many variable for the definition of the mouvements. The clock variable is divided in many clock between 0 and 1. I have created every objects and textures with povray for this animation.