EMAIL: NAME: Joaquin Hierro Diaz TOPIC: Robots COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Proyect Kerberos (the future of the Revatican enforcement) COUNTRY: Spain RENDERER USED: Megapov 0.3 TOOLS USED: Cmpeg, clockmod plugin, lnsefcts plugin CREATION TIME: 20 days HARDWARE USED: 500 MHz Pentium III VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Mediaplayer ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: Alejo Cuervo, a crazy comicbook shop owner, possessed by the real spirit of Phillip K. Dick, turned crazy at 1996 and in a lighning war, conquered Europe. As the visible head of the new Goverment, known also as the Revatican, he named himself Pope with the name of Alejo I, and established the goverment in the city of Barcelona, known from that as 'Barnacity' All the entertainment is forbidden: you can't read manga, you can't read comicbooks, you can't play role games, you can't watch action movies, you can't listen dance music... Just a few otakus, lethal fans, role gamers and DJs dare to fight against the tirany. Knowing the intentions of The Resistance against the Revatican, Killer Dog (ex-spetznaz, and mercenary) as the leader of the Revatican army (known as Fanhunters) ordered Sputnik Corp. the design and test of an unmanned, autonomous defense unit, capable to operate in hostil environments without maintenance. In a real short period of time, the engineers from Sputnik Corp designed a two-leg robot, with sophisticated sensors and an awesome sort of weapons. The main weapon is a 30mm rotary multicannon, with 150 shots per minute and a maximum capacity of 2500 bullets, between piercing and explosive. Addicionally, there are other weapon platforms at the robot sides, but as the proyect is in a very initial state, ther aren't operational by now. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: The idea in mind came long ago (easily 1 year and a half or more), in which I want to make a walking robot, as the well known Ed-209 from Robocop, but as I haven't much idea from Povray (at least at that level), I abandoned that project in a very early stage. In the old project, the idea was to move all around the static foot, changing all the angles from the static ankle. I ran out of ideas very early. Two months ago, I changed of computer, and as by accident, passing all the info from the old one to the new, I found the old scripts from the failed project. I think into give it a new opportunity, but in this time, I take a different approach. In that new approximation, I take the idea of the Inverse Kinematic. For each frame, the hip is moving in a waving movement from top to bottom, but very little. Independant from the hip's movement, there comes the feet movement, which is subject to enhancements. Once I had hip and feet moving fine the problem of moving thigh and calf appeared. I resolved it with a lot of help of trigonometry and near 15h of tests, in 1 week. With the basic frame moving fine, I started to add elements to the robot: an engine, the main sensor, weapon platforms, cannon, ... I ended with a nearly finished combat robot, but I must give the animation a little history... Here, in Spain there is a fanzine/arregular comic book known as 'Fanhunter', in which the author invented an apocaliptical future to comic readers, governed by an insane comicbook shop owner. The general point of view from Fanhunter come very well for the animation, so I asked him permission to u se their characters, so now I must write the legal issues: Fanhunter and all related characters are (c) and (r) 2000 Fanhunter S.L. En Castellano: Fanhunter y todos los personajes relacionados (c) y (r) Fanhunter S.L. And I think to remember Dixkontrol is (c) Fernando Gallego. Ps. If you use any of the ideas from this scene files, I would like to hear you. Ps2. This is my first big proyect. I hope you like it. Ps3. If my english is bad, please apologize me