EMAIL: NAME: Antonio Anton Ruso TOPIC:Inner Workings COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDART RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT TITLE: ANTHILL COUNTRY: Santa Pola (Spain) WEBPAGE: under construction RENDERER USED: POV 3.1 FOR WINDOWS. TOOLS USED:RHINOCEROS BETA, SMACKER, AVI2MPG,. CREATION TIME: THREE DAYS for render. HARDWARE USED: P200 MMX RAM 32 MB VIEWING RECOMENDATIONS: 24 frames/sec. ANIMATION DESCRIPTION:The animation describes the interior of an anthill. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: The ant has been modeled with Rhinoceros Beta. For their movement I have used the sentence array of POV. At the beginning, I wanted to have represented what happens really in an anthill, but there was a problem: I have never been in an anthill. After two months of calculations, I had left very little time for the render of the animation, I don't speak English, although I understand it, so I have used a translating program to write these lines, I hope they can understand each other. Thank you