EMAIL: NAME: Dave Blandston TOPIC: Alien Invasion COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Dave Attacks! COUNTRY: Communist Republic of America WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POV 3.1g TOOLS USED: Sharp model EL-506A Scientific calculator, Human brain v0.001 Beta, VideoMach CREATION TIME: About 24 days to render, 5 minutes to convert to .mpg HARDWARE USED: Athlon 700MHz, 128MB RAM VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Makes a lovely screen saver (full-screen mode recommended!) ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: The alternate title of this animation is "Space Clichè." The 320x240 version of the animation looked terrible in full- screen mode, so please forgive the 640x480 size, but it was necessary in order to achieve acceptable results. This is a 320-frame cyclic animation. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: The first step was to watch the movie Mars Attacks! a couple of times. I used CSG to make the UFOs. One interesting feature about the UFOs is that, like the Mars Attacks! UFOs, the bottoms can open up like a lens aperture. But they don't in this animation. The spooky green glow and the atmosphere around the Earth are made of media (emitting and scattering, respectively.) One problem that I encountered was that due to the random placement of the UFOs, some would overlap. I added simple collision detection by making sure that an imaginary box enclosing each UFO did not intersect any other UFO boxes. The stars were generated by Chris Colefax's excellent Galaxy Include File. The image map of Earth is from The Living Earth, Inc. I used a free bump map of Earth that I found at one of Ken's links, but I can't remember where.