EMAIL: NAME: Lou Bruce TOPIC: Travel COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Travel (travl_lb.mpg) COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: N/A RENDERER USED: Blender 2.36 TOOLS USED: Blender 2.36 for modeling and animation. Image Composer for the Poster, and Textures TMPEGnc for adding sound and converting to Mpeg CREATION TIME: 30 days HARDWARE USED: AMD Athlon XP2500, 1GB ram VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Windows Media Player ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: What does a fish say when he runs into a concrete wall? A day in the life as a fish travels about his world and suddenly encounters an unmoveable object. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: This all began when a co-worker, who knows a fish farmer unleashed his latest catch of fish jokes. I researched the web for fish pictures, meshes, aquatic plants. The fish and textures at were totally awesome. Unfortunately converting them into VRML and importing them into Blender showed me that they had way too many faces to UV map without going completely insane. So I modeled my fish from scratch using their fish as a reference. Then a exported the UV mapping of the mesh as a TGA. Then using Image Composer I cut and pasted the fish map from toucan to fit my UV map. The skeleton is simple forward kinetic armatures. The animation uses four animation cycles: swim, blink, crash, and headshake. These were sequenced in the Non-Linear Animation window. I originally did a simple path animation. Fish follows path, camera follows fish, lights follow camera. Then for the crash it was just a little keyframe setting. My original goal was to synchronize the swim cycle to the music. My best guess was 24 frames for the cycle, it seemed to work out.