Description information for the August 1995 Internet Graphics entry, under the subject 'Alien Worlds', IOSTORM.JPG. Associated files for the entry; IOSTORM.TXT - this file IOSTORM.JPG - the picture (640x480 24bit) IOSTRSRC.ZIP - IOSTORM source files (all files needed except FRACT010.POT used for the mountains - not included due to size) Date: 23 August 1995 Title: The picture title is 'Storm over Io', depicting a scout ship flying low over one of Jupiters moons, with a lightning storm flashing in the background. Author: Steve Attwood ( of Digital Waterfalls Programs Used: On the PC; POV-Ray 2.2, Pentpov 2.2 ( by Steve Anger Display 1.82b for viewing/conversion Fractint 18.2 for POT file generation On the Atari ST; Cyber Sculpt 1.1, CAD-3D2, Future Design disk, Degas Elite. Comments: The spaceship was created using the 3D modelling program 'Cyber Sculpt' on the Atari ST. The body of the ship is based upon the object CREWMOD5.3D from the 'Future Design disk' by Darrel Anderson, published by Antic in 1987. The original object has been streched, scaled and modified so that it looks as little as possible like the original object, but I wanted to retain the general shape (a squat, smooth, snake-like head). All other parts of the spaceship/picture such as fins, engines, sky texture, heightfield etc. are by myself. I have included the original objects (CREWMOD5.3D2 by D. Anderson and F3V11.3D2 by myself) for comparison and evaluation with the source file, ready for conversion with the utility 3D2POV18.ZIP (not included). Once the spaceship was converted to .POV format, the .INC file that was generated by 3D2POV18 was edited ie. suitable rotate/translations were made to set the ship into the desired position. Two texture files were generated on the ST - one showing just the panel detail (for use with the bump_map command) and another with black jagged stripes (64800b.gif and 64800t.gif) for overlaying the panel detail, without use of the bumpmap command. Using this method, the panel detail has depth, and the stripes look as though they have actually been painted on top of an irregular surface. A .POT file was generated in FRACTINT for use as a height field, with a leopard texture applied to it. A sphere, with several textures, including a .GIF starfield are used to provide a gaseous atmosphere. One of the textures is partially transparent, so that the starfield shows through. An agate texture is used to create a lightning effect with white changing through blue to alpha. Rendering time: on an 8Mb 60MHz Pentium at 640x480 resolution with anti-aliasing at +a0.3 is 31 min 36 sec. Steve----->