MEDAL.JPG -> The olympic medals on a podium, receiving their medals :-). For the Raytracing contest, December 1994 (Games theme). This image was created in PovRay 2.2. It took 63 minutes to render in my 486/66, with +a0.1 +r4 options. To create this image, the main resource was a text editor (dos' EDIT, to be precise). The "running man" on the medal came from MS PowerPoint clip art, and the olympic rings are modeled and rendered (I used "ambient 1" on the texture to give an uniform light, as it would be used as a bump map). The tape was created on 3D Studio and then imported to PovRay with 3ds2pov 1.8, by Steve Anger. More details on the source file. I didn't include the texture maps because of the space, but you can use any image (modify the file). ou can even have a medal with your face :-). See you, Jose Daniel Ramos Wey