MIDIWORK by Jari Juslin <Jari.Juslin@helsinki.fi> MIDIWORK is a ray-traced image traced with POV-Ray v2.2. Picture is made to participate monthly ray-tracing competition in february 1995. Subject was Sound/Music. Picture was created by first creating each object (Room, landscape etc.) with Moray 1.53, then editing them and making textures by hand, and finally combining them in a single picture. The work took me about 20-30 hours of time. The scene files are in the normal scale I use: One unit is one cm, tought I had to scale objects when combining them to make picture look good. The scene consists of room with computer display, MIDI-keyboard and horn on it and nightly landscape which is visible through window. There is also lamp on the table, but it can't be directly seen. The distribution file (also the file to participate competition) while writing this is MIDIWORK.JPG, which is compressed with quality 100 and is 235689 bytes long. This is not final version however, because I had only three days to render and correct last mistakes. Main reason to lack of time was that I completed my military service just a week ago. This version took 39 and half hours to render with 486dx33 with 4 Mb RAM. I also run out of memory, so I had to cut some little details out, resize include bitmaps and rewrite much of the lousy code generated by Moray. I can't imagine time consume with both anti-aliasing and area lights, but source is yours to try. If you render picture directly form the source files, please post it to me. I approximated that using lamp area-light the rendering would take about two times as long, anti-aliasing would maybe also nearly double the time, because there's quite much to do, especially around the horn. Picture consists only of quadric and quartic surfaces, one heightfield, one bumpmap, one texturemap and one imagemap. Screen imagemap is from Recording Session(R) by Midisoft(TM) distributed with GUS MAX, and Beethoven's 5th symphony. Moray also showed to be crippleware, and slow when scenes contain little bit of complexity. I've done anything else but this one work with new version and it makes long delays to saving showing message of registeration. The slowness of redraw can be cut out with visibility level, but when I copied keys of MIDI keyboard, the selection screen update raised to few tens of seconds which is quite annoying. All objects work independently. Include MW_LIT.INC to them to look at the same direction. If you make some modifications, or re-render this, please let me have them. You may also use objects anywhere in NON-COMMERCIAL scenes as long as you mention my name and E-mail address. The scene objects are full objects, so you can view the scene from any direction and objects still look sane. Experiment. It would be nice to hear comments, Jari