Author: Gena Obukhov, Russia ( Files: goscienc.jpg - picture (800*600*24) - POV-Ray scene, textures goscienc.txt - this file Computers: IBM PC/AT 486DX2 (scene & textures development) Hewlett-Packard 9000/712 (rendering) Programs: CorelDraw, Neopaint, Fractal Design Painter - textures BlobSculptor for Windows - blob objects POV-Ray v.2.2.u - rendering Graphic Workshop - TGA->JPG Rendering time: 33 hours 6 minutes 52 seconds Comments: idea, objects, textures are my original (except wall.gif, leaf.gif) Description: This is a secret laboratory of Artificial Intelligence :) It was organized at the end of XIX century by Dr.Gena :) He was a great scientist and inventor. He invented a special method to make live organic matter after its physiological death :( The result you can see in the picture :) At the moment Dr.Gena left the room just for a walk. He wrote a note for his wife. He asked her don't let the head smoke because Dr.Gena tired to change blood and oxygen :)