EMAIL: H NAME: Christopher Hawkins TOPIC: Time COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Ray Dream Designer 4 TOOLS USED: Graphic Convertor 2.2 RENDER TIME: est. 2 hours and 25 minutes HARDWARE USED: Macintosh PowerPC IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I wanted to make something abstract that still related to time so I started brainstorming until I figured out a basis of exactly what I wanted to do. I got my major idea for the picture from the Salvador Dali painting. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The first thing that I wanted to accomplish was to create the clocks. I decided that they would be the hardest part of the picture and also the entire picture would be based off of my clocks. To make the clocks, I first made a gold torus and added a go ld flat cylinder to the back. Then I added a inscription on the back, itŐs just a silver cursive font. It reads: ŇTo Julia, with love for thee. Love, CarlosÓ. I then added a white face to the front of the torus. Next I added each of the twelve number to the front. Then I created the hands of the clock in the Free Form editor. I made a hand in one of the cross sections and extruded it to make the minute hand. Then I just shortened a copy to make the hour hand. All the while I was positioning every thing. Next I just started fooling around with different predefined shapes. Positioning them in different places and adding more clocks. Then I applied different shaders to the objects. And if you are wondering, the red cylinder is a wire shader. Next I add ed a cube and applied a transparent refracting shader with bump maps that look line rain drops. That is how I made the water. I did download the shader off of America Online but customized it to my liking. I then added a flat cube under the water so th at it would have a type of ground. I purposely left the edge of the water visible. Finally I added 3 spot lights with low angles. One red, one green, and one grey. They are positioned differently pointing near the center. Next I a made a text in a glowing fire texture that I made that indicates the title and added it to the picture using Graphic Convertor. Then I added my name to the upper left hand corner of the picture. The picture looks MUCH better in thousands of co lors, but is OK in 256.