EMAIL: NAME: Bjoern Graf TOPIC: Science Fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray for Windows 3.00e TOOLS USED: MNM 2.10 RENDER TIME: 25m 37s HARDWARE USED: Pentium-133 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: My first idea was a lightgate, through which an alien troop invades an alien city. Because I had problems with the lightgate, I decided to create these fighting starships. The single Lasercannon on the upper left and the helmet are the last remains of a Fighter. The helmet reflects a subhole, through which another big Destroyer enters the Scene. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The big Destroyer was build with MNM and I reordered the single parts, to get more control about ist rotations and scalings. The Fighter is a simple CSG structure with some spheres, which are scaled and clipped. The clouds texture and the finishes came along with POV-Ray 3.0. I spend most of the time in creating the texture for the subhole. It is build out of a gradient z pattern, fading from White to Blue (in the middle on a scaled sphere), another gradient z (White -> Clear, on a Cone), which should simulate the light rays, a pigment map with the spiral1 pattern (on a disc) and a bozo pattern for the surrounding clouds (on a torus).