EMAIL: NAME: Christopher J. Coakley TOPIC: Science Fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Ray Dream Studio TOOLS USED: Ray Dream Designer 4 RENDER TIME: 3 hours 6 minutes HARDWARE USED: IBM 486 100 MHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Desk Dreamer DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The desk scene is a compilation of various models. Most of the desk items were included in the modeller. The ship is almost entirely made with elliptical cross sections extruded along symmetric sweep paths. The ship was rendered twice in two different perspectives to make the texture map for the computer screen and the paper on the desk (under the pen). The desk lamp has a light inside of it and a light pointing at it to make it illimunate the desk scene. The light idea came from looking at a similar banker's light that came with the modeller (trick: to make the lamp look like it is illuminated from within and not from the outside, try a spotlight with a large falloff percentage).