EMAIL: NAME: Mick McMullin TOPIC: Science Fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: povray 3.00e for Windows TOOLS USED: Paint Shop Pro (for titles) RENDER TIME: 11h 26m 07s HARDWARE USED: Pentium 90 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This is a picture of a very bulky flying saucer called egghead! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I created this image without any external modellers, just entering text into the editor. My aim was to create a strong image, but not necessarily a detailed one. The result was many drawings on paper which were then measured out and input into the editor. I didn't have time to explore textures or use high sampling rates for the atmosphere. However, I did consider how it might be animated, and one of the settings in the .INI file has some sample values. Feel free to experiment, but I would suggest doing so without the atmospheric effects as these take a long time to render.