NAME:Kent Friberg TOPIC:Science Fiction COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED:POV-Ray Version 3.00e.watcom.win32 [Pentium optimised] TOOLS USED:Moray2.0, Paint Shop Pro 3.12 RENDER TIME:10t 57m 18s HARDWARE USED:PentiumPro200Mhz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Inspired by the movie "ID4" I decided to do a ironic 'down-scale'.... This is the result; picture yourselves that the 'running' little green alien says: "Hey come on ! Let's go get them !!!" -ohh yeah, now I'm scared !!!:-))) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All the objects was modelled in Moray 2.0 *THE* best modeller for POV-Ray. (Thnx again to: SoftTronics, Lutz + Kretzschmar GbR, keep up the good work !) If you think the rendering time is somewhat high you have to consider that I use Microsoft Windows 95 and was doing other stuff while POV-Ray was rendering. Hope you like my second image delivered to YOU through the IRTC !! Acknowledgments: To Mike Nyman ( for providing the skyline-image used as 'background'. (Thanks Mike, hope you enjoy the final image !?)