EMAIL: NAME: Keith Hull. TOPIC: Science Fiction. COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POVRAY 3.0 for DOS. TOOLS USED: MORAY (Reg), 3dto3d, Imagine (Free Demo Ver.3). RENDERER TIMER: 9hrs 36mins. HARDWARE USED: Pentium 120. IMAGINE DESCRIPTION: The image was inspired by the film Independence Day and various B-movies. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The Vette and the VW were models that were downloaded from various places (Mesh Mart and 3d Cafe I think). The other two cars were my attempts at creating a car in MORAY. The red one is supposed to be a car of the future and the other (the green one) is supposed to be a small hatchback (Fiat etc). The Bridge stays were made in Imagine and then converted to UDO format for importation into MORAY. The Land was a simple Plasma Height Field scaled and rotated appropriately.