EMAIL: NAME: Matthias Opitz TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Private Investigations COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POVRAY 3.0 Win 95 TOOLS USED: Rhinoceros Beta Version, Paintshop Pro (to resize and create a JPG-file) RENDER TIME: 68 hours 38 min (resolution 1900x1425 pixels) HARDWARE USED: Pentium II 233 MHz, 128 megs of RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A "first encounter" in a somehow classical detective scene from the movies of the 40's and 50's. Not authentically worked out in every detail (?). During a foggy night, Rick Moranis (not the actor, but I like the name), a (mediocre) detective, gets attendance of an uninvited visitor. They are meeting for the first and for the last time. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Most objects are hand-made POV-Ray CSG-objects (Jack Daniels bottle, filing cabinet, desk-lamp, chair etc.). For a few objects (human, telephone and revolver) I used free 3DS-models, because these objects would have been difficult to model with POV. I used the free Rhino Beta to convert the 3ds-models into POV-Ray meshes. I used Rhino to model a hand, holding the gun. I spent quite a long time to create tolerable textures and illumination. I used halos for the cigarette smoke and embers and for the fog outside. I used Paint Shop Pro to resize the image and convert it into jpg. The final image was rendered with the following parameters: 1900x1425 pixels adc_bailout 0.0039 max_trace_level 12 antialias_threshold 0.175 Method 1, Depth 4, Jitter 1.0 time: (Pentium II 233 MHz) 68 h 38 min Smpl/Pxl: 3.16 Level: 12/12