EMAIL: NAME: Benjamin Kniaz TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Benjamin Franklin Meets Lightning COUNTRY: USA RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.02 TOOLS USED: Moray, sPatch, Paint Shop Pro RENDER TIME: about 35 hours HARDWARE USED: Intel Pentium 166MMX IMAGE DESCRIPTION: It was a dark and stormy night in June of 1752... Although the rain pelted down, and the clouds billowed threateningly, Benjamin Franklin could be found outside. His reason for braving the weather would seem like lunacy to anyone now -- he wanted lightning to strike him! And surely this was a good night for lightning. "But why?" you ask, "Why would this intelligent man put himself in this situation?" Ben Franklin wanted to find out whether lightning was an electrical discharge. He performed this very dangerous experiment using a kite and a key. The lightning bolt would hit the kite and travel down the kite string to the key. What Ben probably didn't quite know was the real danger he had put himself in. So history was made that night. Ben survived, and proved that lightning is really a stream of electrified air. And in the process, he made one of America's most exciting tales. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Kite: I created the kite in sPatch. It is a very simple shape, but creating it so it will fit together and look realistic proved (to my inexperience) quite a challenge. Also, getting the kite string and kite tail to look like they are moving, and in the correct place took awhile. Ben Franklin: Also created in sPatch, Ben proved fairly easy to make. Although there was a lot of him to create, I really enjoyed it and like the results. I tried to replicate the type of clothing used back then. The three cornered hat, the jacket, shirt and pants, etc... Lantern: I created a glass cube and put "metal" sides on it. Inside, I made a candle, and flame. There is a light source right in the flame. To create the effect of light rays pouring our from the lantern, I used the dust halo. This took me a lot of time to learn about and use. Getting the right settings for the light source in relation to the dust halo was hard. I also learned how long it takes to render when you get an atmospheric halo in the scene!... Rain: I did some research for the rain, and found out some of the ways other people do it. I worked with getting what I wanted quite a bit -- trying to get the color, transparency, size, and direction right. It's just a plane with a spotted texture. Most of the texture is completely transparent, except for the small part that is the "rain". I just set the plane up in front of the camera at the angle I wanted. Lightning: This proved to be one of the most difficult parts of this image. After trying some things myself, I resorted to the IRTC mailing list for help. My inquiry on how to make lightning got many, many very good responses on how to do it. I was able to take the ideas and create my own lightning from them. The lightning is actually another plane. It has a marble texture with only a small part non-transparent. I then created a second texture for the "plasma" around the bolt. I had to use a bounding box to get only one lightning bolt of the texture in the scene. Although this is not "real" lightning (it's only a plane), I am very pleased with its appearance. Clouds: At first I thought the clouds would be one of the easiest parts of the scene. I was wrong. Getting the clouds the way I wanted them may have taken the most render time. I'm still not completely satisfied with them. They are spheres with attenuating halos as the texture. Hill: The hill is VERY simple. It is just a slanted plane with a grassy texture on it. This is my very first complete POV-Ray scene! I have played around with POV before, but never worked on something as seriously as I worked on this scene. Hope you like it! :-) Ben