EMAIL: NAME: Jeff Albert TOPIC: First Contact COPYRIGHT: Copyright Jeff Albert 1998 TITLE: Meeting The Maker COUNTRY: Canada WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: PovRay 3.1 TOOLS USED: A "People" and "Lensflare" include file downloaded from the 'net RENDER TIME: Nearly an hour (darn glass...) HARDWARE USED: PII-233MhZ w/ 32 mb RAM under Win95 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Ironically enough, I was devoid of inspiration for the topic, when my Mom said "What about somebody meeting his maker?". So I designed the scene. Originally I was going to have the man walking on water, but as I was designing it, in an unusually Christian flash of insight it occurred to me that it would be even more appropriate to have him knee-deep in water - baptism. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used a nice, muchos detailed sky_sphere with lots of cloud planes, then yer basic reflective water with ripples, and a "People" include file I downloaded. I decided on making the guy out of Glass at the last minute because it made the effect that much better. Also, I used a Lensflare Include file to create the spectacular God-Like flash.