EMAIL: NAME: Heather Cousineau TOPIC: First Encounters COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: First Encounters of the Financial Kind COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: PoV-Ray for Windows TOOLS USED: sPatch, Paint Shop Pro 5 RENDER TIME: 1 hour 49 minutes 19 seconds HARDWARE USED: 200 mHz pentium II, 48 mb ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: It is an alien that is looking at a piece of money off of a money tree. I don't think I managed to get my point across very well, but, here was the intentions: * The alien is looking very confused (if I had been a little closer to his face this would be clear) * The money is the new $20 we have in America which I think look really stupid, except they have my face on them instead of Benjamin Franklin's. I did include the .gif I used in my zip file. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used sPatch to create the alien, UFO, tree, money and ground. I put everything together in PoV-Ray. I learned a lot, but I really didn't do anything special.