EMAIL: NAME: Roland Vansteenkiste TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE:XWING COUNTRY: Belgium RENDERER USED: UVPOV 3.1a2 for Windows unofficial compile by Nathan Kopp TOOLS USED: Paint Shop Pro (jpg-conversion) Win3ds2pov by Thomas Baier Moray 3.1beta by Lutz + Kretzschmar by Chris Colefax RENDER TIME: 1h00m15s HARDWARE USED: Pentium 166Mhz, 64Mb ram (WIN95) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The chanche their coming from Mars is a million to one. But still they come. Where did I hear this before? DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I've ever seen a similar image somewhere on the net. So I recreated the image from the image in my memory. The alien spaceships are a modified figther I found on the Avalon 3D objects and resources CD by Walnut Creek. WIN3DS2POV was used to convert the fighter to a mesh2 object. So UVPOV by Nathan Kopp was needed to render the scene. The scene was devoloped in Moray 3.1beta.The final touch was maded in Moray 3.1 the official release. GALAXY.INC was used to create the background.