EMAIL: NAME: Jessica Bushnaq TOPIC: Ruins COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Abandond dream COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: None RENDERER USED: povray 3 TOOLS USED: none RENDER TIME: simply dont ask HARDWARE USED: PentiumII 233 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a castle in the air on soap bubbles , partly in a raining cloud. (I think it is obvious, but if I dont write it down, somebody may think it is a spaceship). DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I tried textures with crackles (in the castle, the lightning also is a crackle texture layer on the sky) , iridiscence and -for the cloud - halos.(perhaps shoud not have done this, see "Render time").For soap-bubbles and raindrops I just discovered the use of rand (in a while loop).