EMAIL: NAME: Farhad Teymori TOPIC: Ruins COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: I Lost COUNTRY: Canada WEBPAGE: none as of yet, soon to be RENDERER USED: Bryce TOOLS USED: Bryce, Truespace ver.1.0 (now freeware), Paintshop pro RENDER TIME: 5 hours and 15 minutes HARDWARE USED: Pentium III 450Mhz, 64 Mb Ram, IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I have always loved watching japanese mecha designs in action, so for this topic I made a model of my own. The mecha was modelled in trueSpace 1.0, as well as the underwater bombs and the plants. The image portrays a defeated transforming fighter lying in a bomb scattered lake. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used trueSpace ver.1.0 to model the mecha as well as the plants and bombs. It is available as a free download from ( I found truespace 1 to be much better than sPatch, mainly due to the variety of modelling tools that it provides. The mecha is made of primitives using volume deformations, except for the wings which have been extruded out of single spline and modified using volume deformations. The rocks are Bryce native meshes, while the plants are just modified splines lathed and deformed. Some of the textures such as the textures on the bomb, mecha and the ocean floor were made in Paint Shop Pro, others are Bryce native textures. I did not include the whole file since it is approx. 60 megs in size, but I included textures as well as the weed and the bomb in .dxf format for anyone who wants to use it. I will include the mecha design on my brother's website listed above as soon as I finish uploading it(approx. 20 megs)