EMAIL: NAME: Tim Cuthbertson TOPIC: Ruins COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Washed Away. COUNTRY: Australia. WEBSITE: I'm currently making one at (I haven't actually started yet, but I will soon.) RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1 TOOLS USED: Moray. RENDER TIME: About fifteen minutes. (Rendered at 800x600, AA 0.3) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Story: A scene at the beach. The children are playing on the beach and they have built a sandcastle. Feeling proud with thier work, they go into the water to have a swim. But when they arrive back, they find that the tide has risen, and the only thing left is the ruins left by the waves that rushed over thier wonderful sandcastle. At first, my picture for this topic was going to be the lost land of Atlantis undewater Although it was a bit unoriginal, I tried it and decided it was going to be a bit difficult for my skills (I am only fourteen and havn't had POV-Ray very long). So I decided to think about the topic a bit more, and come up with something more inventive, thus I ended up with the idea of a sandcastle in ruins. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The sandy ground is a simple heigh field (which I had already created for my idea of Atlantis) with a small-scaled texture and some bumps added it is also tilted so the ocean plane doesn't cover it in some places where the height_field is low. The ocean is a sinple plane with relflectiveness and a bit of ripples. The sky is only seen in the reflection of the water, so it is just a sk_sphere with blue and white bozo. The remains of the sandcastle (a bezier patch), the bucket (a lathe), and the spade (just primitives), are all moddeled in Moray, witch is pretty new to me. PS. Because Moray is new to me, everything except the actual shapes (not textures) of the spade, bucket, and the sandcastle was written in POV-Ray.