EMAIL: NAME: Antonio Anton Ruso TOPIC: The City COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDART RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT TITLE:Under City COUNTRY: Santa Pola (Spain) WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POV 3.1 FOR WINDOWS. TOOLS USED:POV 3.1, HF-LAB, IMAGINE 4.0,LENS EFFECTS(Chris Colefax) RENDER TIME:11 hours 21 minutes HARDWARE USED: P200 MMX RAM 32 MB IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The image describes something so simple as important in a city, a sewer. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The methods which have been used are very basic, heighfields with the suitable size and placed in order to look like stones. The water is a sequence of suitable heighfields too. The hawsers are an experiment to create new paths in POV. About the rest, patience and more patience (my ederly but beloved P200 can't do any more)