EMAIL: NAME: Martial Rameaux TOPIC: The City COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Oh no ! COUNTRY: France WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Megapov04 TOOLS USED: ColorPicker by Jamis Buck Spatch by Mike Clifton for the garbage bag SpilinEditor by Alexandro Falapa for cup in the bar; PaintShopPro to paint affiche, tag and heightfield for placard MegaStore, and hubcap and for the signature and convert in jpeg file ; My Colleague's photo at the works; thanks Jean-Marie for autorisation to useit! RENDER TIME : 18h00m11s with hight-radiosite HARDWARE USED: PII 350 with 128Mo Ram (64 buy for this scene) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I took pen and paper again, and draw a draft. after I regard details in different streets, papers, dung of dog, piece of garbage, broken glass and broken car... And I imagine all the scene ! You thinks well: "if my street was so grubby I dont pay the "town-tax" :-) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First I do a standard meter for get a good dimension. After I do a french cafe whith CSG and Gilles Tran'windows ! CSG and Csg for walkway and edging walkway pedestrian crossing, and all buildings,. I take a long time to find the good place of text "MegaStore tout pour Pov" :-) and spiral staircase for reflection in the "bulding Graph". I do heightfields for hupcap and placard Megastore, beer puddle (you can't see this in the cafe) and Csg to do appear the briks under the works wall ! I use functions of megapov : eval_3d_spline for the electri cable, isosurface normal noise for the works rubble under the scaffolding, dispersion and disp_nelems for the glass of cafe and Megastore and several function pigment I use too "T_crasse" a texture by C.Bouffartigue from JV Picqueres for dirty several object in the scene... I use a random (in translate x and z in a loop "while" to place paper, Beer bottle(Poveinkein :-)), breaken glass ... I use by Eric Freeman by Rodolphe Gelaude by Gilles Tran by Jean Montambeault and 3D model from 3Dcafe..... Pittbull, Man4, jaguard . Too big to put it in the source . ******************* Special Thanks to Christophe Bouffartigue, Rodolph Gelaud, Gilles Tran, and all friends of Fabien Legeron, Coline Rameaux (my daughter) Jean-Marie Martin my good co-worker ... Thanks for Pov ! Thanks Nathan for MegaPov ! ***********************