NAME: Luke Rawluk COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: WEBPAGE: TOPIC: The City COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-RAY TOOLS USED: None RENDER TIME: 3 Hours HARDWARE USED: Celeron 400, 64 RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A "historical" rendering, it shows Paladinian Leader Bio facing off with Magi Warrior Tolock near the Paladine Cityscape. From the Alliance of Worlds : Paladine Chronicles storyline. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The city was comprised of predominently Superellipsoids, with boxs Differenced out to form the windows. The buildings use a custom silver imagemap with a wrinkle normal map to vary the reflective surface. The Characters are predominently formed from Blob functions and CSG operations.