NAME:Nathan O'Brien TOPIC:worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE:Luke, 2 46-52 COUNTRY:Australia RENDERER USED:Megapov v6 unofficial povray patch TOOLS USED:Poser 4, Paint Shop Pro 5, objupov RENDER TIME:1.5 hours HARDWARE USED:Dual pentium III with 512Mb ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The title is the image description. I've used the King James version of the Bible. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: There are no direct light sources illuminating the charaecters. All lighting is from outside the room and behind the characters. Its all done with radiosity and a wall just behind the view point to reflect the ambient light. Apart from the poser characters its all hand coded. The columns are a CSG composite using a matrix distorted torus. The rest is straight forward. Just the main scene files are included in the zip file. The character mesh files are just too big. There a re a lot of compositional errors and the odd texture mapping error. Just ran out of time.