EMAIL: NAME: Eric Ouvrard TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Angels are Womens COUNTRY: France (so my very poor & bad english !!!) WEBPAGE: (not yet raytracing images...) RENDERER USED: MEGAPOV 0.7 TOOLS USED: Poser 4 (to export human models) UVMapper (to create texture map) OBJuvPOV version 0.0.014 (to convert OBJ models to uvPOV mesh2) Scaler3c (to scale OBJ models) 3D exploration (to convert 3ds models) Paint shop pro 7 (to retouch image_map and convert format) Moray 3.3 (for textures) Galaxy include file (created by Chris Colefax) RENDER TIME: 1h 26mn 31s HARDWARE USED: Pentium III 450 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An Angel like a Woman or a woman like an Angel... and don't ask me why Cherubs ? They are just curious..! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Angel and Cherubs come from Poser 4 models The wings come from the Web (Hokusai-Wings) Cherubs texture was found on the web (PepperMintPatty - by KCindy Imhoff Member Byte Me Ok) I wanted to make a simple picture, without overload, bathing in a blue light,but nevertheless no cold. The essential of my work it's to be about light and textures. It's with the air that I have past the more long time. After have trying all kind of solutions ( even grawing them with the macro of Chris Colefax : COMPRESSED MESH MACRO FILE ) I have simply play with the transparency. I wanted so a very simple picture and technically it is too.