EMAIL : NAME : Florent Revelut COUNTRY : France WEBPAGE : (under construction...) PSEUDO : Bruce TOPIC : Worship COPYRIGHT : I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE : Future Religion RENDERER USED : POV-RAY version 3.1g TOOLS USED : under Linux : a standard text editor (Nedit), x-povray under Windows : Pov for Windows RENDER TIME : too much! (about 36 hours on my Celeron 550 Laptop with 128MB of RAM) HARDWARE USED : My Celeron 550 Laptop (128MB of RAM), under Windows or Linux My old Pentium 120 (64MB of RAM) under Linux DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED : First of all, this image was *entirely* creating using the POV script language. All the files are -a little- commented, but in French (sorry, that's my mother tongue). The only extern file is the logo mapped on the back of some robots. It requires 3 personnal includes : * : (or matrix in English), it contains a macro calculing the inverse of a matrix, using the Gauss-Jordan algorithm. Many local macro are used to make the basic operations on matrix. The most important macro is the one which permits to create a changing-base matrix, which is very useful to avoid calculingangle of rotattions! You use it as a transformation (See the file if you are interessed, or mail me, and I'll explain longer) * : requires to have been included before. It contains a macro permitting to created a chain between 2 points, and precising some characteristic of it... * : the main part of this scene. It contains a macro which creates the robot. You must pass quitre a lot of parameters (about 18), which represents the different rotations of the leg, the arms, the hand (nothing is really good explained in the file, I'm sorry)... You may pass some other parameters through global identifiers. The scene itself : Everything is CSG : The special interesting points are The windows is a filtering texture (built in Pov, not an extern picture). The bottom has been made with superellipsoid, to be more realistic (the quilted was not enough to obtain a good render) Some Robots have a logo painted on their background, it's the logo of my school (Supelec, The crown, on the head of the biggest statue, is made with an interesting csg, which looks quite nice (even if we can't see it!) The flames are made by halos (or media in the "new" version of Pov) All the light of the scene comes from the flame of tyhe torch of the statues, and from the hanging fire, in the middle of é columns. That's all, many thanks for having read it, and sorry for the many mistakes in English!!