EMAIL: NAME: Kenneth J. Schnardthorst TOPIC: Worship COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: "Narcissist" COUNTRY: United States WEBPAGE: Sorry don't have one RENDERER USED: Raydream 3d TOOLS USED: Rayflect's 4 Elements wind extension RENDER TIME: 36 minutes HARDWARE USED: IBM PC clone running a Pentium 166 MMX w/ 32 megs of ram and a VooDoo 5500 PCI graphics accelerator card w/ 64 megs. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A mannequin stares at it's own reflection that is reflected in a mirror behind it. A narcissist is one who is so absorbed in self worship that they forget about everything around them. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I tried to make this as simple as possible. The mirror was made using a freeform modeller. The frame was made first then shaded with this wonderful elm burl shading texture I have. I then made the pillars for the stand, shaded them with the same elm burl, then pinned them to the frame with some bolt made in the freeform modeller. A flat plane was made to fit the frame and shaded with a mirrored glass shader. The ground is an infinite plane shaded with a purple tile shader. The mannequin is a stock model that came on my program disk. The sky is setup in the scene setting and creates a backdrop for the whole scene. I used a standard daylight with light clouds setting.