NAME: E. J. Blenner-Hassett TOPIC: FORTRESS COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Guarded COUNTRY: Canada WEBPAGE: n\a RENDERER USED: Latest PovRay downlaod ( unregistered at this time ) TOOLS USED: Moray for Windows ( also unregistered at this time :( ) RENDER TIME:on my system... a few minuits ( time will vary due to processor speed and graphics cards used.. it's a bit big ) HARDWARE USED: CPU: Amd K-6-2 450 with 3D Now vid: Matrox G200 with 16 Megs mem: 256 Megs of ram ( this is a big image and needs it ) hdd: 20 Gig drive with some space left mbd: Asus P5A with the latest drivers installed OS: Windows 98 ( tweaked, but still not fast enough ) mdm: unknown brand 56K ( that won't connect that fast ) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A view of a corner of a fortress showing part of the tech that guards it... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: lotta playing with simple shapes and stuff ;)... I originally wanted to do one similar to this in Lego, but couldn't get enough of the fonts to look right, so i decided to try with just an attempt at " bricks " for the wall. I used a cube ( for the block ) and another object so as to have one face look like it was a block carved out of stone ( that kind of rounded face some rock walls have ) and used CSG ( ? ) object unions for this. To me, it looks good as an individual brick, but the more you use, the more it looks like it's copied. The straight wall is individually placed bricks for 4 lines by 4 high ( staggered ) and copied a few times ( look in the .mdl file to see what i mean ) and has an amasing effect that the rows don't look " too straight ", but rather built by hand ( in my own opinion ). The round part of a tower was simple to create with Moray as it can duplicate an object, the hard part was the number of copies and how far apart to place them ( to get a circle with decent sized bricks ). from one circle, the copying and placing of each ring became simple ( also the built in feature of duplicating in Moray ). The " turret " i was originally designing for one of the other competitions, but never got around to actually completing the rest of the image. I threw it in so as to add a touch of Tech in an otherwise ancient scene. Each component of the scene is simple and easy to do, just the combinations make this image one that may stirr something within the observer.