TITLE: Alchemy NAME: Jerome Grimbert COUNTRY: France EMAIL: jgrimbert@free.fr WEBPAGE: http://jgrimbert.free.fr/ TOPIC: Dreaming COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: alchemy.jpg RENDERER USED: Patched version of Povray 3.1 TOOLS USED: vi and ImageMagick (to convert from png to jpg) RENDER TIME: 7 hours 23 minutes HARDWARE USED: Pentium-180 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Just a thought about the old dream of converting lead into gold, this time, it's wood that can be transformed into gold. Maybe we are in the lab of the modern alchemist, or maybe we are just in a classroom lab and the transformation is part of the classworks for all the students ? Maybe you can easily get your own equipment, just like you could get a TV or kitchen oven ? Who knows ? There is no head on the gold pieces because they came from the wood ones. The eggs are obviously an evocation of the philosopher's stone... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First was a simpler lab table, with a plain wood texture and just a metal box on it. I just tried to find a descent texture for the metal, sort of hammered copper. and just four stacks of coins (one gold and three wood). But why would someone with such a tool wants to stop at only a few pieces. So more stack were added in the background. I also tried some rendering with radiosity, but the time gets quickly above the roof and didnot seems to add anythings (even if I would have like a smoother shadow, which therefor request an area_light) As this was not clear enough, a small manual with some clues has been added before the apparatus. And then, I changed the table for a more "lab" one. The power cable was added, to make the whole thing look modern, but I did not want to model a full plug set (male and female on the wall), so let's assumes that it is somewhere further. The left part was too empty, and there was too much stack already, and adding some symbols was needed, so some wood eggs get their way in. each eggs is held in place by a small acrylic torus, just like it should be. It really seems that this is a test for students, so pencil down now please!