EMAIL: NAME: Veijo Vilva TOPIC: Dream COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT TITLE: Serenity COUNTRY: Finland WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: povray 3.1g TOOLS USED: NONE RENDER TIME: 4h 40min (1350x900) HARDWARE USED: Athlon 1GHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: At first thought, depicting a dream by means of raytracing is quite easy as you are not bound by any constraints of reality, but then you realise that most raytraced pictures are in a way too unreal to be dreams as the most haunting dreams often are more real than the reality. In such a dream things may be different but they aren't impossible, not quite, and you keep searching for clues which would confirm your suspicion that you are dreaming, you do hope you are just dreaming and not trapped into a building really without an exit. In such a dream you notice more and more details which are not impossible per se but may clash with your everyday reality, things may have an almost suprareal clarity intead of noticeably surreal features, and you invent seemingly logical explanations for inexplicable things. So I started along those lines and began to design a picture which tried to be very real but real in a different way, a mix of randomness and design, lack of detail and an almost absurdly painstaking amount of detail, naturalism and an almost surreal perfection unachievable with any camera. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I designed for a rather large ultimate format, i.e. 30"x20" at 254 dpi, which gives a resolution of 7620x5080. I used povray31 and the textures which came with it, only boxes, cylinders, cones, spheres, torii and CSGs built from them. Time to trace the full-size picture is about 9 hrs with an 1 GHz Athlon when a single point light source is used and about 90 hrs with radiosity and area lights for the Sun and a reasonably realistic ambient lighting. I didn't use any fancy technics -- I wouldn't know how to as this is one of the first pictures I've ever made. The script is a mixture of dead ends abandoned at some stage, various test sequences commented out and silly solutions -- I'd build most things differently now. I'm not including the script as it has slowly turned into a master script for tens of pictures, perhaps a whole exhibition at some future date (some of the shots can be seen at I started from a nucleus and added details one by one. The original nucleus disappeared at some stage, and the picture began to live a life of its own. The most laborious feature was the "harpsichord" and the most frustrating part of the job was setting up a satisfactory illumination, getting the shadows almost right. The sun ended up being a combination of two area lights and the ambient a combination of four very wide area lights. The sea is actually a plane of blue marble with a thin layer of ground fog upon it.