EMAIL: NAME: Matt Giwer TOPIC: Future COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Two Walls in Palestine COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: & artii/ & artiii/ RENDERER USED: povray 3.5 TOOLS USED: gimp, mpeg_encode RENDER TIME: 10 min parse, 16 min render, 26 min total HARDWARE USED: Celeron 400, 64M, linux 2.4.18-3 kernel VIEWING: Nothing special GENERAL INFO: IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A monument to be erected in Palestine DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Nothing special. The image map for the flag was created with Gimp. This turned out surprisingly realistic perhaps due to the uninspired architecture of the original. One of the objectives of art is to create controversy. I try to do that. The original intention was to put the wall in downtown Baghdad but it turns out there is no signature image identifiable with the city. I did get a nice mineret out of the exercise while I was looking for one. Maybe in a later competition. === To the children, a reminder. Etiquette This describes the intentions of the competition and what we hope to gain from it. c. The competition is not about winning. You do not have to be a professional, or even any good! I assure everyone, I am no damn good.