NAME:Kensuke Miyoshi TOPIC:Great Inventions COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE:Time For Truth! Time For Blues! COUNTRY:Japan WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED:POV-Ray3.5 for win (People Of Victory Raytracer) TOOLS USED:hamaPatch Open RENDER TIME:16m 47s HARDWARE USED:celeron 500MHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Harmonica can make sound using both the breathe and the breathe out. This is great invention! I wanted to carry out modeling 10 hole harmonica like blues harp by hamaPatch. I looked at the photograph of the demonstration putting up the placard written "Time For Truth!" in newspaper . The words "Time For Blues!" appeared into my head then. I began modeling. I have the memory that I read "the essence of the blues is call & response" with a certain book. "call & response","call & response",,,, Then "call & response" happen. Thanks for your time. P.S. I don't play the harmonica. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: 10 hole harmonica modeled by hamaPatch. I used Open Draw for the image of harmonica's texture as image mapping. The background photo for reflection is free photo ( I used radiosity setting .