EMAIL: NAME: Simon Osbaldeston TOPIC: Great Inventions COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Admiring Edison COUNTRY: England WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: 3D Studio Max 6 TOOLS USED: Mental Ray (free with Max 6) RENDER TIME: 10 Hours aprox HARDWARE USED: AMD Athlon XP 2000, 512Mb Ram, GForce 4 ti IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Background - I Chose to do an image to celebrate a truely great invention. Without it we had little control over how we see after dark, allowing for increased productivity in all areas of life. The first electric light involved two electrodes and a spark created between the two. These lights were too bright and often were too distracting for commercial and domestic use. The incandesant bulb was invented, using a conductive filament with high electrical resistance, however the filament lasted only a few minutes at most due to Oxygen in the air speeding up the burning prosess. Sir Thomas Edison, a british scientist, set about to create a filament light that would burn for days. With the help of Swan, an American scientist they created a filament light surrounded by a vacuum bulb that prevented the air from making contact with the filament. Hence the electric incandesant Light Bulb. The Image - I decided to show off the light bulb as a work of pure genious and art. On display for admiration. The scene shows several lights hung from a ceiling, some lit and some not. To add interest I varied the lengths of the cords from which the bulbs are hung. A man sits to view the exhibit, surrounded by light, however focused on the brightest example. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Ultimately I needed to mix simplicity with interest. My last entry was too simplistic, so this time I chose to aproach the subject from a more interesting angle. Firstly I needed to plan the layout. I chose to use a centered parallel camera angle to allow the perspective in the image maximum effect. This would help to add some depth to what is essentialy a shallow viewing area. I chose to scatter the lights randomly at varying lengths to avoid the common 'deliberate' CG look. To keep some ballance I chose to offset the man to the left, and have a closer bulb to the right, setting the cameras focus off the near bulb to avoid it dominating the image. Next I constructed the basic bulb model using a lathed spline for the majority of it. Simple shapes made up most of the room and the bench, maintaining a modern clean look. I rotated the bench off parallel deliberatly to add some human error. I chose the Mental Ray renderer for its fantastic global illumination, and its caustic effects. Fortunately Mental ray has a very realistic depth of field, and some fantastic shaders. The shader for the glass of the bulb was complex. I used a combination of Mental Ray Dialectric materials and Translucant Shaders, for the far lights I needed a different tranlucancy shader with SSS simulation to get the nessessary glow on the unlit bulbs off the nearby lit ones. The plastics were simple DGS shaders. I always used the photon shader counterparts for accurate GI and Causics. An omni light with Photons were placed inside every lit bulb with inverse square falloff to accuratly simulate the lighting and shadows. Due to time, The man is from off the issue 50 coverdisc from 3dworld - credit is due to them. Everything else in the scene is modeled by me, and all shaders are assembled by me from a combination of procedurals and some of max's native texture library. The scene took about 10 hours to render on my pc. Unfortunatly due to the size of the files I cant include the source files. But i would be happy to help anyone who wants it.