EMAIL: NAME: Jochen Diehl TOPIC: Great Inventions COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: rocket COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.5 TOOLS USED: Photoshop RENDER TIME: about 60 min. HARDWARE USED: P4, 3GHZ, 2GB Ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Some of today's greatest inventions were just dreams people used to laugh about some time ago. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I always wanted to render some ancient technology in a Jules-Verne-like style, and this famous author seemed to deliver the right idea for "Great Inventions". I decided to show the rocket in a semifinished state for more details and to underline the unprofessional look. The rocket is modeled with scripted CSG in standard POV only, no meshes were used. Textures are made in Photoshop. The background is taken from a photo. There are many include files, some containing my texture and lighting-models I don't want to give away. So there is no source, sorry. It would be too complex to learn from, anyway.