EMAIL: NAME: Paul Beach TOPIC: Light and Fog COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. COUNTRY: Canada TITLE: Julia Sunrise WEBPAGE: IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Math Fog It is generally assumed that a signal will live forever if it is only sampled at twice its highest frequency. If a lissajous figure is sampled and 'filtered' through a linear ; and then a cubic sphere sweep, the results look somewhat different. References: Vibrations and Waves, A.P. French Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory, A.I. Khinchin The Scene The sun is a Julia fractal. Presumably, the term fractal means that it is not a differential equation. I propose yet another for the string of pearls and the water serpent. x = ( arctan y/x)**k y = ( arctan x/y)**k Three branches will spiral out to a limit cycle. A branch or projection can be selected using the mod function. Code for the string of pearls is given below. The water weeds are generated with this group, (Cyclic group of order Six). x = x/y y = y*x Continue the algebra six times to get back to the starting point. This is done again in the complex plane, and etched on the moon. // Code for string of pearls #include "" background{ Gray40} camera { location <.6, .7, -2> look_at <.6, .7, 1> } light_source { <3, 8, -20> color White } #macro arc_tan_1( ) #local k1 = 1 / ( 2 / pi - .05 ) ; #local ay = 2/ pi ; #local ax = 2/ pi ; #local rad = 0; #local Count1=0; #while (Count1 < 131) #local mod3 = mod ( Count1 , 3) ; #local mod2 = mod ( Count1, 2 ); #local ax = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan (ay / ax )))); #local ay = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan(ax / ay )))); #local nax = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan (ay / ax )))); #local nay = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan( nax / ay )))); #local nax = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan (nay / nax )))); #local nay = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan( nax / nay )))); #local nax = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan (nay / nax )))); #local nay = exp ( k1 * (ln (atan( nax / nay )))); #if ( mod3 = 2) cylinder { , .005 pigment { Gray60 filter .3 }finish { specular .5 ambient .26 reflection .18 diffuse .28} } #if (Count1 > 32) sphere { < ax, ay > .041 + rad pigment { rgb < .7, .7 , ax> } finish { ambient .4 specular .3 reflection .4} } sphere { < ax, ay > .045 + rad pigment { White transmit .5} finish { ambient .8 specular .3 } } #local rad = rad + .0003; #end #end #local nax = 0 ; #local nay = 0; #declare Count1=Count1+1; #end #end arc_tan_1( )