EMAIL: NAME: Glenn McCarter TOPIC: Light and Fog COPYRIGHT: I submit to the standard raytracing competition copyright. TITLE: Night Train COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POV-Ray v3.6 TOOLS USED: POV-Ray editor (scene modeling, lighting, textures) Paint Shop Pro (image map, JPEG conversion, add signature) RENDER TIME: 8h 42m HARDWARE USED: Athlon XP 2100+, overclocked IMAGE DESCRIPTION: It's a couple hours past midnight on a warm foggy evening, somewhere east of Flagstaff. The Zephyr waits at a siding, the deep hum of diesel engines idling in the background. Spence cannot sleep, too many things on his mind. He steps off to stretch his legs and light up a smoke. He starts to relax. But very soon, Spencer's life is going to change forever... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image evolved in an unusual way. I normally do 3d modeling with a specific image in mind. But this time, a strange thing happened along the way. The original scene had a large water tower dominating the sky, casting a lot of shadows. But one time I accidentaly left the water tower unconnected to the ground... and the image immediately took on a whole new meaning for me. What had been a quiet period-piece suddenly became a sci-fi alien encounter. Otherwise, it's just lots of conventional POV-Ray Constructive Solid Geometry modeling, done entirely within the POV-Ray text editor. No external 3D meshes or models were used. Two image maps are used, to make a height field and part of a texture. I restricted myself to a very limited color range, to allow light and shadow to do all the work. I was especially careful in this image to arrange the shadows as selectively as the objects themselves. The scene has 6 real light sources (only one interacting with the atmosphere) and a dozen pseudo-lights. The scene is filled with a media atmosphere, and uses a large dome-shaped sky sphere to enable visible light rays even in skyward directions. To smooth out the shadows, the main light source is an area light consisting of a 3x3 array. These 9 lights are sampled 300 times along each ray to produce the soft light beams in the foggy atmosphere.