EMAIL: NAME: Luca Pinciani TOPIC: Complexity COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Complexity COUNTRY: Italy WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Blender internal TOOLS USED: Blender RENDER TIME: about 3 hours (the render time is high beacause I used motion blur for the two big red led) HARDWARE USED: Athlon 1.80 GHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I tought it was funny to represent in this way the complexity of the women. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I modelled the scene and then I assigned the materials to the objects. For the materials, I made about 4 or 5 different kind of metal. Then I moved some buttons in the "woman panel" trying to find the best disposition. At the end, I used the (new) nodes of Blender to give a good illumination to the scene (the blue light that there is in the image).